Logo Compass Banca

Company structure

By our customers’ side, since 1960

The company structure

Compass Banca S.p.A. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mediobanca - Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A.

Compass holds 100% of the capital of MBCredit Solutions S.p.A., a company that operates in the area of credit recovery on behalf of third parties, and the purchase without recourse of non-performing loan portfolios; of Compass RE S.A., a reinsurance company headquartered in Luxembourg, and Futuro S.p.A., a company specialising in salary and pension-backed loans and salary-deduction loans, products sold both by the Group companies and through financial intermediaries.

The share capital of Compass, fully paid in, amounts to € 587,500,000, following the increase during 2008.

Compass is subject to the supervision of Banca d’Italia. It is headquartered in Milano and is a member of Assofin and Abi.


The Group

Mediobanca is Italy’s leading merchant bank, with its roots in investment banking, where it has gained a leadership position over the years, as well as a recognised position in Europe, becoming a top partner of businesses in expansion, internationalisation and financing projects.